What To Do If Your Ex Returns Your Child Support
Posted on:
21 September 2018
You might think that a custodial spouse would want as much money as he or she could get for child support. However, sometimes an ex-spouse wants nothing to do with the other ex-spouse, to the point of returning any child support money in an attempt to cut off contact. Your instinct might be to just stop sending child support, but do not do that. If your ex returns your child support funds, you have a major problem on your hands.
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Eligibility For Summary Divorce
Posted on:
21 July 2018
A summary divorce is an oversimplified divorce process that doesn't take into consideration most of the issues involved in a conventional divorce. This is what you should opt for if you want to divorce fast without using a lot of resources. However, not everyone is eligible for a summary divorce; in most cases, you will only get a summary divorce if you can prove these things:
You Had a Short Marriage
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Benefits Of Living Apart Before You Begin Divorce Proceedings
Posted on:
17 May 2018
If you and your spouse have begun to discuss divorce, there may be cases in which you want to get this matter behind you quickly. In other cases, however, you may still have hope for your marriage, despite the struggles that you're going through. In such a scenario, you might want to live apart for a short time. One of two scenarios will emerge from doing so: you may decide to live together again, or you may decide that divorce is the best option.
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3 Aspects To Consider When Looking For A Criminal Defense Attorney
Posted on:
20 February 2018
When facing a criminal charge, be it domestic battery or assault, your life could change forever. If you believe you're innocent, you need to seek help from a criminal defense attorney right away. Here are some aspects to assess that can help you hire the right legal representative, for such serious charges.
Perhaps the most important aspect you need to assess when looking for legal representation is experience. After all, the level of experience your attorney has could be the difference in freedom and spending years in jail.
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