What To Do When You Realize That You And Your Spouse Are Getting A Divorce
While it is definitely possible for a person's spouse to blindside them by requesting a divorce out of the blue, the reality is that there are often major signs leading up to the breakup. The two of you may have started to argue more than you used to, sleep in separate rooms and do everything in your power to avoid spending time together. When these types of scenarios come up, it's vital for you to heed the warnings and understand that a divorce may be on the horizon.
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3 Tips For Preparing For A Divorce
One of the more stressful times in life may be when your marriage is ending. You may feel overwhelmed emotionally, physically, and dread the financial struggle you may have to face. The key to getting through this difficult time will rest in being as prepared as you possibly can for it. This can be tough to do but will allow you to have an easier time once the divorce is final.
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Think Your Spouse Is Hiding Money And Wants A Divorce? Get A Divorce Lawyer Now
If your spouse and you had never worked out a prenuptial agreement before the wedding day, and now you are worried that your spouse has been making more money than you know about, and that you are going to get divorced, you want to get a divorce lawyer. If you worry that you don't know where all your spouse's earnings are hidden, and you didn't sign a prenuptial agreement so half that money is yours, there is some information you want to provide for the lawyer.
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Two Things You May Not Know About Child Support Payments
Child support orders are both simple and complex. They're simple because you can expect to be ordered to make payments to the custodial parent or guardian of your child, and complex because there are quite a few variables involved in how much you may be ordered to pay. Here are two important things you need to know about how child support payments are calculated so you can properly prepare your finances.
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Here Are Two Challenges You'll Face Getting Divorces While In Jail
Getting a divorce is challenging enough, but trying to pursue a legal separation while incarcerated can be even more difficult. Here are two challenges you'll come up against when divorcing your spouse while in jail -- and how to overcome them. Paying the Filing Fee Every state requires petitioners to pay a fee when they file for divorce, the amount of which varies depending on the jurisdiction. Unless you have savings, a source of income that doesn't require your presence, or can borrow the money from friends or family members, it may be hard to come up with the money when you can't work because you're stuck in jail.
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Bridging The Gap: How A Legal Separation Agreement Benefits You Financially
If a divorce is in your future plans, you may be having a difficult time coping with the emotional effects of this major life event. You should understand, however, that your entire financial future can depend on the decisions you make in the next few weeks and months before your divorce becomes a final order. Many people mistakenly allow their emotions to cloud their thinking during this time, and the results can be disastrous.
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2 Stories Your Child Will Have Access To Via An Open Adoption
If you choose to go with an open adoption, you are going to give your child access to different and unique stories about your child's life. They will get to know both their creation story and their adoption story, giving them a complete picture of how they were loved and brought into the world. #1 Story Of Birth In order for your child to have a complete understanding of who they are and where they come from, they need to know their "
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Three Steps To Getting Shared Custody Between Grandparents
There are times where neither the mother nor father will not be able to take care of the children. In this case, one or both sets of grandparents may step up as the next of kin in order to raise the children. Split custody between both sets of grandparents is not traditional, but it can work out in the favor of everyone in the family. Here are three steps to paternal and maternal grandparents sharing custody of their grandchildren.
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Staying Financially Afloat: 3 Tips To Keep Divorce From Ruining Your Credit
Getting out of an unhappy marriage will cost you on average anywhere from $15,000 to $20,000. If you are already having financial woes or if your former partner is bad with finances, the process of getting a divorce can absolutely ruin your credit. With help from a divorce attorney, you can protect your credit and watch over your finances. Your attorney will also help you keep track of your assets and your debts and also determine how they should be divided in the divorce.
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Three Cases In Which You Should Delay Informing Your Partner About Your Decision To Divorce
It is generally a good idea to inform your spouse the minute you decide to divorce them. Blindsiding someone with divorce papers can create bitterness and lead to an acrimonious divorce. However, there are a few cases in which it's dangerous to inform your spouse before taking a few precautions. Here are three examples of those situations: You Suspect Your Spouse May Run Away with The Kids If you suspect that your spouse may commit parental kidnapping, then you should take precautions to prevent that from happening before announcing your intention to divorce.
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